Saturday, July 26, 2008

Worksheets for Afterschool

One of the easiest right things to do afterschool is to get children to work on worksheets (of course, if your afterschool program is only about working on worksheets - then it is hardly right!). With homework in India largely limited to exercises from the textbook, worksheets can be useful in several ways:

Revision: Working on 1 worksheet a day is a good way to revise math.
Motivation: It is easy to get a child to work on a worksheet. Being just one sheet they may seem less daunting. They are also generally well formatted (for example, with illustrations) and look friendly.

There are any number of websites offering free math worksheets. My own site ( offers a small but growing collection of free worksheets on pre-primary and primary math. What makes these worksheets special is that they are rooted in the Indian context. I've also made these worksheets printer-friendly - they are in .pdf format. While they have illustrations - they are light on toner use!

Another site that seems useful is this. It is a commercial site offering worksheets for the pre-primary up to the 4th standard. They also offer 20 free samples.

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